System Temperatures to Matplotlib Plot

Find available sensor data from libsensors. The id field will be a composite of the device and sensor name.

$ sensors
Adapter: PCI adapter
Composite:    +37.9°C  (low  = -273.1°C, high = +82.8°C)
                       (crit = +84.8°C)
Sensor 1:     +37.9°C  (low  = -273.1°C, high = +65261.8°C)
Sensor 2:     +42.9°C  (low  = -273.1°C, high = +65261.8°C)

Adapter: PCI adapter
Vcore:       969.00 mV
Vsoc:          1.09 V
Tdie:         +40.0°C
Tctl:         +50.0°C
Icore:         5.00 A
Isoc:          8.50 A

We will select both the NVME composite (solid-state disk temperature) and k10temp Tdie (AMD CPU core temperature) using a pair of KeyValDataFilters. These make two separate data streams which are re-joined together before being passed on to the aggregator. The aggregator buffers one hour of data, and sends updated data to the MatplotlibDataSink once every minute.

Note that with some skilled regular expression use in val, it might be possible to use a single KeyValDataFilter to select all required sensor data, eliminating the need to rejoin the data streams.

connection_graph =
  digraph {
    a  [class=LibSensorsDataSource];
    b  [class=TimeStampDataFilter];
    c  [class=KeyValDataFilter, key="id", val="k10temp.*Tdie"];
    cc [class=KeyValDataFilter, key="id", val="nvme.*Composite"];
    d  [class=JoinDataFilter];
    e  [class=AggregatorDataFilter, buffer_size=3600, send_every=60];
    s  [class=MatplotlibDataSink, filename="temperatures_plot.pdf"];
    a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> s;
    b -> cc -> d;
$ datalogd -c recipes/temperature_matplotlib.config
INFO:main:Initialising DataLogDaemon.
INFO:DataLogDaemon:Loaded config from: /etc/xdg/datalogd/datalogd.conf, recipes/temperature_matplotlib.config
INFO:pluginlib:Loading plugins from standard library
INFO:DataLogDaemon:Detected source plugins: NullDataSource, LibSensorsDataSource, RandomWalkDataSource, SerialDataSource
INFO:DataLogDaemon:Detected filter plugins: NullDataFilter, AggregatorDataFilter, CSVDataFilter, JoinDataFilter, KeyValDataFilter, TimeStampDataFilter
INFO:DataLogDaemon:Detected sink plugins: NullDataSink, FileDataSink, InfluxDBDataSink, LoggingDataSink, MatplotlibDataSink, PrintDataSink
INFO:DataLogDaemon:Initialising node a:LibSensorsDataSource()
INFO:DataLogDaemon:Initialising node b:TimeStampDataFilter()
INFO:DataLogDaemon:Initialising node c:KeyValDataFilter(key=id, val=k10temp.*Tdie)
INFO:DataLogDaemon:Initialising node cc:KeyValDataFilter(key=id, val=nvme.*Composite)
INFO:DataLogDaemon:Initialising node d:JoinDataFilter()
INFO:DataLogDaemon:Initialising node e:AggregatorDataFilter(buffer_size=3600, send_every=60)
INFO:DataLogDaemon:Initialising node s:MatplotlibDataSink(filename=temperatures_plot.pdf)
INFO:DataLogDaemon:Connecting a:LibSensorsDataSource -> b:TimeStampDataFilter
INFO:DataLogDaemon:Connecting b:TimeStampDataFilter -> c:KeyValDataFilter
INFO:DataLogDaemon:Connecting c:KeyValDataFilter -> d:JoinDataFilter
INFO:DataLogDaemon:Connecting d:JoinDataFilter -> e:AggregatorDataFilter
INFO:DataLogDaemon:Connecting e:AggregatorDataFilter -> s:MatplotlibDataSink
INFO:DataLogDaemon:Connecting b:TimeStampDataFilter -> cc:KeyValDataFilter
INFO:DataLogDaemon:Connecting cc:KeyValDataFilter -> d:JoinDataFilter
INFO:main:Starting event loop.