Source code for datalogd.plugins.libsensors_datasource

import asyncio
import logging
from enum import Enum

from datalogd import DataSource

    import sensors
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError):
    log = logging.getLogger(__name__.rpartition(".")[2])
    log.warning("sensors module not found. Install it with \"pip install PySensors\" or similar.")
    # Required modules present, continue loading rest of this module

[docs] class LibSensorsDataSource(DataSource): """ Provide data about the running system's hardware obtained using the ``libsensors`` library. ``libsensors`` is present on most Linux systems, or can be installed from the distribution's repositories (``apt install libsensors5`` on Debian/Ubuntu, ``pacman -S lm_sensors`` on Arch etc.). The available sensors will depend on your hardware, Linux kernel, and version of ``libsensors``. Attempting to initialise this plugin on Windows operating systems will almost certianly fail. :param interval: How often to poll the sensors, in seconds. """ def __init__(self, sinks=[], interval=1.0): super().__init__(sinks=sinks) self.interval = interval sensors.init() # Queue first call of update routine asyncio.get_event_loop().call_soon(self.read_sensors)
[docs] def close(self): """ Close the connection to the sensors. """ sensors.cleanup()
[docs] def read_sensors(self): """ Read sensors and send data to any connected sinks. """ loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() data = [] for chip in sensors.iter_detected_chips(): for feature in chip: data.append({"type": f"{LibSensorsFeatureType(feature.type).type}", "source": "libsensors", "id": f"{chip}_{feature.label}", "value": feature.get_value()}) self.send(data) # Reschedule next update loop.call_later(self.interval, self.read_sensors)
[docs] class LibSensorsFeatureType(Enum): """ A utility :class:`~enum.Enum` used to interpret integers representing sensor feature types. """ IN = 0x00 FAN = 0x01 TEMP = 0x02 POWER = 0x03 ENERGY = 0x04 CURR = 0x05 HUMIDITY = 0x06 VID = 0x10 INTRUSION = 0x11 BEEP_ENABLE = 0x18 UNKNOWN = 0xFFFFFFFF @property def units(self): """ The units associated with this sensor reading type. """ try: return { self.IN.value : "V", self.FAN.value : "RPM", self.TEMP.value : "°C", self.POWER.value : "W", self.ENERGY.value : "J", self.CURR.value : "A", self.HUMIDITY.value : "%", }[self.value] except Exception as ex: return "" @property def type(self): """ The name of the type of sensor reading. """ try: return { self.IN.value : "voltage", self.FAN.value : "fanspeed", self.TEMP.value : "temperature", self.POWER.value : "power", self.ENERGY.value : "energy", self.CURR.value : "current", self.HUMIDITY.value : "humidity", self.VID.value : "vid", self.INTRUSION.value : "intrusion", self.BEEP_ENABLE.value : "beep" }[self.value] except Exception as ex: return "unknown"