Source code for datalogd.plugins.file_datasink

from os import path
from datetime import datetime, timezone
import asyncio

from datalogd import DataSink

[docs]class FileDataSink(DataSink): """ Write data to a file. By default, any existing contents of ``filename`` will be overwritten without prompting. To instead raise an error if the file exists, set the ``mode`` parameter to 'x'. The contents of any existing file will be appended to by setting ``mode='a'``. To automatically prepend a date and time stamp to the given filename, set ``filename_timestamp=True``. In general, this should create a unique filename and prevent overwriting when ``filename`` already exists. The ``flush_interval`` parameter controls the behaviour of the file writes. It describes how often, in seconds, the operating system's buffers should be flushed to disk, updating the file contents: * ``flush_interval > 0`` causes the flush to occur at the given time interval, in seconds. More frequent flushes will keep the contents of the file updated, but put more strain on the machines I/O systems. * ``flush_interval = 0`` will flush immediately after each receipt of data. * ``flush_interval < 0`` will not automatically flush, leaving this to the operating system. The contents of the file may not update until the program closes. * ``flush_interval == None`` will perform a file open, write, and close operation on each receipt of data. This may be desired if the contents of the file should only contain the latest received data (and should be used in conjunction with the ``mode='w'`` parameter). :param filename: File name to write data to. :param filename_timestamp: Prepend a timestamp to the filename. :param mode: Mode in which to open the file. One of 'w' (write), 'a' (append), 'x' (exclusive creation). :param header: Header to write to file after plugin initialisation. :param terminator: Separator written to file after each receipt of data. :param flush_interval: Interval, in seconds, between flushes to disk. """ def __init__(self, filename, filename_timestamp=False, mode="w", header="", terminator="\n", flush_interval=10): self.filename = filename self.filename_timestamp = bool(filename_timestamp) if self.filename_timestamp: (head, tail) = path.split(self.filename) tail = f"{'%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')}-{tail}" self.filename = path.join(head, tail) self.mode = mode if mode in "wax" else "w" self.header = header self.terminator = terminator self.flush_interval = flush_interval if self.flush_interval is not None: # Keep file open, flush when data is ready try: self.fd = open(self.filename, self.mode) if self.header: self.fd.write(self.header) except Exception as ex: raise RunTimeError(f"Unable to write to file {filename}: {ex}") else: # Open and close file each time self.fd = None self._flush_handle = None
[docs] def close(self): """ Close the connection to the file. """ if self._flush_handle: self._flush_handle.cancel() if self.fd: self.fd.close()
[docs] def receive(self, data): """ Accept ``data`` and write it out to the file. The ``terminator`` specified in the constructor will be appended to the file after each call of this method. :param data: Data to write to file. """ if not self.fd: # Open and close file each time, (probably) wiping any old data try: fd = open(self.filename, self.mode) if self.header: fd.write(self.header) fd.write(data) fd.write(self.terminator) except Exception as ex: raise RunTimeError(f"Unable to write to file {filename}: {ex}") else: # Keeping file open, appending new data self.fd.write(data) self.fd.write(self.terminator) if self.flush_interval == 0: # Flush after every write self.fd.flush() elif self.flush_interval > 0: # Schedule a flush if one isn't already scheduled if not self._flush_handle: self._flush_handle = asyncio.get_event_loop().call_later(self.flush_interval, self._flush) else: pass
# Negative means don't flush (leave to operating system) def _flush(self): self.fd.flush() self._flush_handle = None